Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Screening Kesehatan di SD Tarakanita Tritis/ Health Screening in SD Tarakanita Tritis elementary school

(English version below)
SD Tarakanita Tritis menjadi tempat kegiatan bagi mahasiswa- mahasiswi FKU UGM yang tergabung dalam kelompok 23 program ICP 2013 (Integrated Clinical Practiced).
Berdasarkan observasi atas permasalahan kesehatan yang dilakukan beberapa waktu yang lalu, para mahasiswa melakukan kegiatan berupa screening kesehatan . Sasaran dari kegiatan ini adalah murid- murid sekolah dasar di SD K Tarakanita Tritis. Screening dilakukan kepada semua murid SD dari kelas 1 sampai kelas 6.
pemeriksaan kesehatan

Screening meliputi pemeriksaan kesehatan fisik secara umum, seperti kesehatan badan, kesehatan gigi dan mulut, kebersihan telinga dan kuku. Hasil dari screening kesehatan menyatakan bahwa secara fisik, kesehatan murid- murid di SD K Tarakanita Tritis dalam keadaan baik. Sejauh ini belum ditemukan adanya penyakit khusus yang memerlukan tindakan lebih lanjut.
Health Screening in SD Tarakanita Tritis elementary school

Students of UGM FKU ICP 2013 (Integrated Clinical Practiced program 23), took part in a project with SD Tarakanita Tritis elementary school.  Based on the observations of health problems mentioned above ad the observations that have been done some time ago, the students of ICP conducted a health screening. Target group of this activity were the school pupils in the elementary school of Tarakanita Tritis.  The screening was done to all elementary school students from grade 1 to grade 6. 

Health checks
 The screening included examining the general physical health of the students, such as physical health, oral hygiene, ear cleaning and nail hygiene.  The results of the screening stated that the physical health of the students in Tarakanita Tritis elementary school in quite good, the students are in a good health condition.  So far there have been no specific diseases that require further action.


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