Rabu, 03 Juli 2013

Screening dan Kerja Bakti Lansia

(English version below)
Kondisi psikis pada lansia mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dengan kelompok usia lain. Seiring dengan bertambahnya usia, terjadi penurunan kemampuan pada fisik dan juga kemampuan otak yang tentu akan berpengaruh pada kondisi psikologisnya. Perlu perhatian khusus pada kondisi mental para lansia.

Lansia Dsn. Ngandong Bersemangat Mendatangi Tempat Kegiatan

Lessan mengadakan screening psikologis di daerah Ngandong, wilayah pedesaan yang terletak di lereng Gunung Merapi. Screening tersebut bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi psikologis para lansia di Dusun Ngandong. Dusun Ngandong yang terletak di kaki Gunung Merapi yang beberapa saat lalu mengalami erupsi sehingga warganya harus diungsikan. Kondisi bencana seringkali menimbulkan trauma bagi penduduk yang tinggal di kawasan rawan bencana. Proses screening dilakukan oleh dr. Budi Pratiti dkk, psikiater dari RSUP dr. Sardjito.

Para Lansia Menerima Pengarahan dan Mendapat layanan Screening Psikologis

Dalam proses screening, banyak lansia yang awalnya malu-malu atau menutup diri untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh dokter. Kesulitan tersebut teratasi berkat kesabaran dan keluwesan komunikasi para dokter. Sedikit demi sedikit suasana santai membuat proses screening dapat berjalan lebih baik. Kemampuan ingatan serta kemampuan kognitif para lansia juga turut diuji dalam screening. Ibu Kasiyem (55 tahun) mengungkapkan bahwa beliau sering merasakan kesepian dan kejemuan karena tidak dapat beraktivitas seperti sewaktu masih muda. Selain itu sering muncul kerinduan pada anak, cucu, atau sahabat lama.  

Suasana Proses Screening Lansia Dsn. Ngandong
Acara yang diikuti oleh 47 lansia Dusun Ngandong ini kemudian dilanjutkan dengan  kerja bakti. Kegiatan kerja bakti dilaksanakan di kebun lansia dampingan Lessan yang terletak di sebelah lokasi screening. Derai tawa, suasana yang akrab dan santai mengiringi kegiatan ini. Para lansia terlihat semangat dan gembira berkumpul lagi dengan kawan dan tetangganya. 

Suasana Akrab di kebun Lansia
Keceriaan yang terbangun diharapkan dapat membawa dampak positif bagi kondisi psikologi dan kesehatan lansia.

Employment screening and social care for elderly 

 Psychological conditions of the elderly have different characteristics compared to other age groups.  A decline of physical ability is coming along with aging, and also of the ability of the brain, something that will certainly affect the psychological conditions of elderly. As consequence we need to pay special attention to the mental condition of the elderly.

Elderly from Ngandong area are going to activity places
 Lessan conducts psychological screening in Ngandon, part of the rural areas located on the slopes of Mount Merapi. This screening aims to determine the psychological condition of the elderly in the village of  Ngandong. Ngandong village is located at the foot of Mount Merapi, a region that was affected strongly by the eruption 2010 and whose residents had to be evacuated. Conditions of disaster often cause trauma for the people living in disaster-prone areas. The screening processes were conducted with support of Dr. Pratiti Budi et al, psychiatrist Dr. Dr. Sardjito.
The Elderly receiving briefings and psychological screening service
In the screening process, many elderly were initially shy or shut down to answer questions posed by the doctors. The difficulties could be solved, thanks to the patience and flexibility of communication of the doctors. Gradually the atmosphere became more relaxed which made the screening process easier and more effective. The capability of memory and the cognitive abilities of the elderly have also been tested in the screening. Mother Kasiyem (55 years) for example revealed that she often felt lonely and boredom because she can not move anymore like when she was young. Additionally she often yearns for visits of her children, grandchildren, or old friends.

  Elderly screening process in Ngandong  
 The screening event was attended by 47 elderly from Ngandong and was followed by community service, organized by LESSAN. Community service activities have been carried out in the gardens of elderly, located next to the location of the screening. Bursts of laughter and an intimate and relaxed atmosphere could be felt during this community serving activities. The elderly have been in a happy mood to be reunited with friends and neighbors.

  Familiar atmosphere in the gardens of the elderly 
 This aroused happiness and cheerfulness presumably  brings a positive impact on the psychological condition and health of the elderly.


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