Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

Bergembira Bersama Lansia Ngandong

(English version below)
Siang ini sebenarnya cukup terik, namun hal itu tidak menyurutkan bapak- ibu usia lanjut dari dusun Ngandong untuk mengadakan kegiatan bersama. Wajah mereka kelihatan ceria dan bersemangat bertemu teman- teman sesama lansia, terlebih lagi hari ini mereka akan kedatangan murid- murid SD Kloposawit dalam kegiatan tersebut.

Bertanya mengenai kebudayaan
Sebanyak 40 murid dari SD Kloposawit, Girikerto, Turi Sleman hari ini berkesempatan untuk bertemu, menemani dan berkegiatan bersama kelompok lansia Ngandong yang berjumlah sekitar 70 orang.
Membantu lansia membersihkan taman lansia

Siang ini acara pertemuan lansia ini di isi dengan berbagai macam kegiatan, seperti penimbangan badan dan gotong royong membersihkan taman lansia. Murid- murid dari SD Kloposawit sangat antusias membantu para lansia untuk menyeberang jalan menuju taman lansia. Selain itu mereka juga bertanya kepada lansia mengenai kebudayaan  jawa dan bersama- sama belajar mengeja aksara. (Les/SRL)

Rejoice together, elderly from Ngandong!

 This afternoon is actually quite hot, but it did not stop the ladies and the elderly from the village Ngandong to conduct shared activities together.  Their faces have been cheerful and eager to meet fellow seniors and students! The special event for this day is the arrival of students from Kloposawit elementary school, with whom they will spend the day and do activities.  

Inquiring and investigation of culture

   A total of 40 students from the elementary schools Kloposawit, Girikerto, Turi Sleman had the opportunity to meet g elderly group of around 70 people from Ngandon today, to accompany them and doing activities with them.

Students helping elderly crossing the street and cleaning up the park together (photo above)

 The gathering this afternoon contained a wider variety of activities with elderly and students, such as the weighing of bodies or the mutual help in cleaning up gardens and parks of the elderly.  The students from the elementary schools like Kloposawit have been very enthusiastic about helping the elderly, for example helping them crossing the street to the park for the elderly. In return they asked the elderly about the Javanese culture, and together they learnt about spelling and reading.

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