Rabu, 27 Februari 2013

Program ICP Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UGM/ICP Program Student Faculty of Medicine

(English version below)
Sebanyak 30 mahasiswa/i Fakultas Kedokteran Umum UGM melakukan ICP (Integrated Clinical Practice) di SD rawan bencana gunung Merapi.
Kegiatan yang merupakan kerjasama dari skill lab FKU UGM dan Lessan ini berlangsung pada bulan Januari- Maret 2013. Tahun ini merupakan angkatan ke 3 dari program ICP, mahasiswa/i fakultas Kedokteran Umum tersebut terbagi ke dalam 3 kelompok yang akan melaksanakan beberapa kegiatan terkait dengan permasalahan kesehatan yang dihadapi di SD N 1 Kaliurang, SD N Kloposawit dan SD K Tritis, ketiganya berada di lereng Merapi daerah Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Kegiatan ini melibatkan guru- guru di sekolah dasar dengan kelompok sasaran siswa- siswi di SD nya masing- masing.


Berdasarkan observasi yang telah dilakukan oleh para mahasiswa/i, kegiatan yang akan dilakukan berupa  Screening Kesehatan, Sosialisasi Bahaya Merokok dan Narkoba,
Pendidikan Dokter Kecil, Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi. (Les/Vol)
ICP Program Student Faculty of Medicine
 A total of 30 students from the Faculty of General Medicine UGM did ICP (Integrated Clinical Practice) in the disaster-prone area schools in the Mount Merapi region.
This project was a cooperation of the skill lab of FKU UGM and LESSAN and took place in January-March 2013.  This is already the 3rd generation of the ICP program. The students of the Faculty of General Medicine are divided into 3 groups, each group carried out several activities related to the health problems faced in the schools SD N 1 Kaliurang, SD N Kloposawit und SD K Tritis that are located on the slopes of Mount Merapi in Sleman, Yogyakarta.
Target group of this activity were the students of the elementary schools class 1-6, the teachers of the schools have been involved in all of the activities.

Based on the observations that have been made by the students the activities were organized in form of health screening and education about the dangers of smoking and drug abuse. In addition there was a small medical education also about reproductive health. 

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